A meal at « the Brasserie Georges » ?
The Brasserie Georges is not only renowned for its gastronomy but also for its architecture and atmosphere.

Spectacular for its architecture
The dining room is the biggest european room. It was built in 1836. The present decoration has been the same since 1920.

Well known for its gastronomy
Brewing from East of France has been passed on from father to son since 1836. From that time, this restaurant found fame by its own specific specialities : Onion Soup au Gratin with Egg Yolk and Madeira, the Sauerkraut, Baker Alaska flambée……
There is a big variety of other dishes. There is something to eat for everyone and everyone will enjoy this restaurant until late at night .

Unforgettable atmosphere
Thousands of guests seating neck and neck on red sofas can feast on a variety of meals .
It’s a mythical place which went through one Empire, four Republics, the Silk Workers’ Revolution where people have really enjoyed their time.

If you wish to celebrate a birthday, please, let the chief of ligne know and candles and music will be played at the desert-time.
So carry on this big tradition!