"Pennons" a festive day in the Vieux-Lyon District
Each year, the traditional Middle-Age feast of « Pennons » takes place in the Vieux-Lyon district. You may ask : « what « pennon » means ?
For XIIIth Century, a « Pennon » is a flag. At this period of time, « Pennon » meant an organisation of civilians named to defend security in the district. Their mission was the supervision of the town during the night, the fire fighting …. In each district, there was a security team. Each of them displayed their own « Pennon ».

For the 1987 year, an association called « Compagnie des Pennons de Lyon » organize a Renaissance celebration to celebrate the magnificence of Lyon at this time.
In 2016 year, it is going to be wonderful and festive day because it is the 500th anniversary of the royal entry of François 1rst. It starts at 11a.m by a Renaissance festival parade from Place Bellecour to place Saint Jean. At noon, an inauguration of the Crafts village will take place in front of the windows of our accomodation. Between 2p.m and 5.30p.m : many shows and animations in the old town.
Save the date : Saturday, 23rd of April.